20-22 August 2025
Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park

Welcome to the AIPIO Intelligence 2025 website, the home for all relevant information about the conference. Aligned with our goal of making the conference available nationally we are this year returning to Sydney for our National Conference. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

The AIPIO is the peak representative body for intelligence practitioners in Australia. Our goal is to establish and promote intelligence as a widely recognised profession in Australia. AIPIO membership is drawn from a wide range of domains, including government, national security, defence, law enforcement, business, academia, integrity agencies, regulatory bodies, information technology, and information service providers.

The theme for Intelligence 2025 is "A Thriving Intelligence Profession," with subthemes of Leadership, Transformation, Empowerment, and Developing Your Tradecraft.

A Thriving Intelligence Profession

Our highly interconnected world is being reshaped by strategic competition, with growing complexity arising at the national and local levels. All domains of intelligence practice are confronting this complexity, working to glean insights for timely and effective decision-making. A robust intelligence profession is a critical influence and key national resource in securing our defence, security, and well-being.

Intelligence 2025 – the AIPIO annual conference – will examine what is needed to support a thriving intelligence profession in Australia during these challenging times. A thriving intelligence profession hinges on effective leadership, transformation, and empowerment to navigate the complexities of an ever-changing global landscape. 


provides the strategic vision and direction to guide teams through routine and unprecedented challenges, ensuring that intelligence operations remain agile and responsive. 


is equally crucial. It involves embracing innovative technologies and methodologies to stay ahead of evolving threats and enhance operational capabilities. 


complements these elements by fostering a culture where intelligence professionals are encouraged to develop skills, contribute ideas, and take ownership of their roles.

Developing your Tradecraft

are dedicated sessions to enhance tradecraft skills by providing practical tools for improving analytical skills, decision-making, and adaptability, ensuring practitioners remain flexible in a complex environment.

Together, these factors drive a dynamic and resilient intelligence community capable of addressing emerging issues with foresight and precision, ultimately supporting robust national security and informed decision-making.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for Intelligence 2025 are available.

If you are interested in receiving further information, please contact the Conference Organiser.

Key Information

Intelligence 2025

20 - 22 August 2025

Registration - Now Open

Call for Papers - Open Now

11 April 2025: Abstract submissions close
9 May 2025: Contributors to be notified
18 July 2025: Full paper submissions due

Snapshot of Intelligence 2024 delegate breakdown

Different agencies represented among the delegates.

Delegates represent all countries that make up the Five Eyes (FVEY) Intelligence alliance, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Indicated that they would attend future AIPIO Conferences.
"Congratulations on the best conference I have been to in a long time. Everyone incredibly focused on collaborating for good outcomes"

Attendee at Intelligence 2024

Why Attend?

Intelligence 2025 offers a unique opportunity for intelligence managers, leaders, and practitioners to generate fresh ideas, discover effective strategies, and learn about the processes shaping the future. It provides the insights, opportunities, and connections necessary to create a larger, more robust, and versatile intelligence focus within our organisation.

Who Should Attend?

This conference is essential for intelligence leaders, managers, practitioners, and industry professionals. Whether you come from law enforcement, business, regulation, security, finance, academia, government, or any other field related to intelligence, this conference is designed for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with the best in the field!

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Intelligence 2025

Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Conference Sponsor
AIPIO Awards, Coffee Cart and Host of a Roundtable Sponsor
Conference Dinner
Satellite Breakfast
Welcome Reception

Highlights from Intelligence 2024

Make sure you are part of this amazing, unique and diverse intelligence conference.