Charity - Small Steps 4 Hannah

Each year the AIPIO Board select a charity which they feel provide important and invaluable assistance to the community.

In 2024, AIPIO have chosen to support Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation throughout the Conference, and in particularly via a Silent Auction at the Conference Dinner.

The murder of Hannah Clarke and her children was a ‘line in the sand’ moment in Australia; a moment when our community came together and said that ‘where domestic and family violence is concerned, enough is enough!’.

Of course, for Lloyd, Sue and Nat Clarke it was much more than that. On that fateful day in February 2020, the Clarke family lost four beautiful souls in the worst of circumstances. 

In their quest to honour Hannah, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey and ensure that no family should endure this pain again, the Clarke family have started a movement for change – Small Steps 4 Hannah – to put a HALT to the incidences and severity of domestic and family violence in Australia.

Through Small Steps 4 Hannah it is the hope of the Clarke family to harness the collective desire of us all to make positive changes required to HALT domestic and family violence and take the steps required to do it; small steps that will eventually be giant leaps forward.

Together we can work to HALT domestic and family violence in Australia.
Small Steps 4 Hannah have partnered with Rounda to help raise funds, an app that allows you to round up your debit card transactions.


Your donations will allow the foundation to reach a wide range of schools, corporate and community groups with personalised Education Programs based on real life situations such as:

The H.A.L.T. Program

The H.A.L.T. Program which is designed for Primary School and High School Students educating young children to have respectful relationships and for the older Students recognising the "Red Flags" relating to family and domestic violence. 

Driven by a vision of a safer tomorrow and the legacy of Hannah Clarke and her children, Dave Kramer has pioneered this ground-breaking initiative. Dave is a Behavioural Scientist who has dedicated his life to empowering others to foster safe, equitable, and inclusive environments, since the tragic loss of his best friend, Hannah Clarke, and her children in 2020.

As an advocate for Small Steps 4 Hannah and a renowned keynote speaker and panellist, Dave brings his unique blend of honesty, personal narrative, and dedication to empowering young people to champion safe and equitable relationships.

Hannah’s Story

Hannah's Story an interactive educational workshop to help identify the early warning signs of coercive control behaviours and helping to drive positive behaviour change.

This two-hour social impact workshop is based around the events and people in Hannah's life - what they saw, heard and their suspicions. You will learn about the everyday behaviours that we are all familiar with and how these moments can often be the first signs of an unhealthy relationship.

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