Glenn Maiden
Glenn Maiden is the Director of Threat Intelligence Operations at Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs Australia and New Zealand. Using millions of global network sensors, FortiGuard Labs monitors the worldwide attack surface and employs artificial intelligence (AI) to mine that data for new threats, ensuring you are prepared for what's coming. Glenn’s role with FortiGuardLabs focuses on identifying and sharing threat intelligence to help organisations protect against current and emerging threats. Glenn has more than 25 years’ experience in different roles across the technology sector with a solid background in defence, intelligence, national security, and government affairs.
Professional memberships/certifications:
Degree in Science (ICT)
Degree in Business (Management)
Diploma in Security and Risk Management
Diploma in Project Management
Oceania Cybersecurity Centre, member of the board of advisors
Australian Information Security Association, organising committee
Member Australian Institute of Company Directors.